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Sahs Auto
Mechanical Repair
Collision Repair
Rental Cars
Auto Transport
Contact Us
2569 County Highway S. Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
Apply Now
Comments or questions are welcome.
Employment Application
indicates required field
What Job are you applying for?
Auto Body Tech Medium/Heavy
Light Duty Auto Body Tech
Auto Mechanic
Office Clerical
First Name:
Last Name:
Can you tell us what outstanding qualities, certifications or talents you possess that make you stand out for this job?
Phone Number:
Mailing address:
Do you have a valid drivers license?
Do you have a CDL license?
Have you been convicted of a felony?
If you answered to yes above would you explain in text area provided:
If you live further then 20 mile, are you willing to relocate?
Desired wage per hour?
How did you hear about the job opening?
What High School did you attend?
Did you graduate from high school?
Previous Employer for reference #1:
Supervisor Name:
Date of hire:
Last day worked:
Starting and Ending Wage:
Reason for leaving?
Previous Employer # 2
Supervisor Name :
Date of hire :
Last day of employment:
Starting and Ending Wage :
Reason for leaving:
Resume Upload:
Acceptable file types: doc,docx,pdf,txt,gif,jpg,jpeg,png.
Maximum file size: 5mb.
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